Which Attractions I Skip At Magic Kingdom

When you think of Walt Disney World, you think of Cinderella Castle, right? The Magic Kingdom IS Walt Disney World to many people! But as much as I love Magic Kingdom, there are a few attractions that just don’t make my “must do” list every trip. This is the first in a series of which attractions I skip at each theme park! 

A while back Sharla wrote a post of her favorite Magic Kingdom attractions. I stumbled across the post the other day and it got me thinking. I can be contrary by nature, so of course my first thought was, “Ha, I should write a post about which attractions I skip!” I went on my merry way and got back to work, but I found myself mentally compiling a list. When that happens it is time to write a blog!

Disclaimer time – there is not one single ride or attraction that I will refuse to ride given the right circumstances. All of the attractions on this list are good attractions! (With the possible exception of one… you’ll see!) They just aren’t at the top of my favorites list for reasons I will list below. Don’t come for me in the comments if one of your favorites is on this list! If you love it, ride it! No judgment here.

Let’s start with Adventureland – typically my first stop in Magic Kingdom. (Remember – always go left!)

Adventureland Attractions I Skip

The Magic Carpets of Aladdin – This ride was adorable when I had a small child who thought going in a circle and being able to move up and down was thrilling. As an adult, I just won’t waste precious time in line for something as basic as this ride. If I have a sudden urge for this type of ride, I’ll choose Dumbo which at least has a great air conditioned queue and nostalgia factor!

Swiss Family Treehouse – I do this walk-through attraction about once every few years or so, usually when I am killing time waiting for a meal at Skipper Canteen. It’s cute but was basically designed to be a people magnet – something to absorb crowds and ease congestion in Adventureland. It has A LOT of stairs and you really don’t have enough time to appreciate the fun details without holding up the line behind you.

magic carpets of aladdin magic kingdom attractions

“Watch out for the camels. They spit!”


Frontierland Attractions I Skip

Country Bear Jamboree – I can feel the comments coming. “How dare you! The Country Bear Jamboree is a Disney Classic!” Yes. Yes, it is. Everyone should see it at least once. I love the Bears, I do! But look – those bears have not changed in a LONG TIME. This is an every 5-10 years attraction for me!

country bear jamboree magic kingdom attractions walt disney world

Liberty Square Attractions I Skip

Liberty Square Riverboat – This is another one that everyone should do once. But at 17 minutes long, it is just not enticing enough to make my regular rotation! (UNLESS I am specifically enjoying a “Do Less, Enjoy More” kind of day. The Riverboat is perfect for this!)

The Hall of Presidents – I have been avoiding the Hall of Presidents since 2016. (#ifyouknowyouknow) In a few months, it may be safe to go back but until then, I will continue to avoid this attraction for my mental health! Once the attraction has been “fixed” it will go back on my regular rotation, not for its scintillating content, but for its merits as an amazing spot to cool off and grab a quick nap.

hall of presidents magic kingdom attractions walt disney world

Fantasyland Attractions I Skip

Dumbo – See The Magic Carpets of Aladdin above!

Prince Charming Regal Carousel – This one falls under the heading of, “I try not to ride anything that I can do at home.” The Carousel, while pretty, is just a carousel. And I have a gorgeous carousel at home. It’s the same reason I won’t eat at McDonald’s at Walt Disney World. Just… why?

The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh – This ride is sweet and has a cute interactive queue but it has been a long time since I had a child young enough to enjoy this ride. Since Pooh and Friends aren’t my personal faves, this one is on the skip list!

Under the Sea – Journey of the Little Mermaid – I wanted to like this attraction, I did! I was very excited when “New” Fantasyland reopened. I love this movie and the soundtrack. But the audio-animatronics felt kind of “meh” compared to other newer attractions. It was a one and done for me!

prince charming carrousel magic kingdom attractions walt disney world

Tomorrowland Attractions I Skip

Astro Orbiter – See the Magic Carpets of Aladdin and Dumbo above, but add motion sickness from heights. No, thank you. This is possibly the only ride at Walt Disney World that I will really argue with you about riding. I mean, I’ll do it if HAVE to but I won’t be happy about it. And you may not be either!

Monster’s Inc. Laugh Floor – I can’t quite put my finger on why this one is not a must do for me! I like Monster’s Inc, and I am a huge fan of stand-up. And yet, I honestly can’t remember the last time I stopped for this attraction. Even with the air conditioning which will often tempt me on a hot day. And apparently I am not alone as this attraction is closed indefinitely and rumored to be going away permanently!

Monster's Inc Laugh Floor Magic Kingdom attractions walt disney world

Main Street U.S.A.

There are technically no “attractions” i.e. rides, on Main Street U.S.A. So what do I skip? NOTHING. This may actually my favorite “land” at Magic Kingdom! Then again, I consider shopping an attraction, so maybe that is why! And don’t forget the Dapper Dans. I will stop for them every time!

dapper dans magic kingdom walt disney world


If this is your first visit to Walt Disney World, please don’t let this list deter you from trying any of these attractions! But if this is a return visit, which attractions do you skip at the Magic Kingdom and why? Let me know in the comments! And feel free to let me know if there are any that I should give a second chance. Change my mind!

Coming up next? Which Attractions I Skip in Animal Kingdom!

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Not every ride is a "must do!" Learn which attractions I skip at Magic Kingdom in Walt Disney World. Do you agree with this list?!
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  • Patrick

    Biggest let down for me is the currently closed confection store near the entrance. Nothing special or unique to buy that isn’t everywhere else in the park. Wish it were more magical. And we have avoided the Hall for the last four years. Maybe this November.

    • A
      Sara Varney

      I will be so happy when the Confectionary reopens! It is not a Disney trip until I have had my fresh Mickey Rice Krispy Treat!

  • Kyle Davis

    I have to say The Tea Cups is my 100% most skipped! I was thinking it was The Little Mermaid, but now that I think on it, The Little Mermaid is an amazing ride (if you wanna take a nap and cool down.) The Tea Cups are just straight horrid, I defiantly need to take a nap on The Little Mermaid after that. Also 100% agree with Hall of Presidents.

    • A
      Sara Varney

      Little Mermaid is a good napping spot! Dark, cool… Tea Cups I enjoy but are not a must do for me. I don’t hate them, I don’t live for them!

  • Okay so my biggest take from this is I have only been in the Hall of Presidents or whatever it is in EPCOT and never Magic Kingdom. I am really very curious about what is going on there, although I know who its about. I need someone to fill me in haha

    • A
      Sara Varney

      LOL That is the American Adventure in Epcot. I love that attraction! The Hall of President’s is in the Magic Kingdom and has an audio animatronic of every President. The current President usually has a few lines. So depending on your political views, you may or may not be a fan. 😉

  • You are alive and you can go to Disney and do what you want. You only live once enjoy it life is to short

  • In the decade we’ve been traveling to WDW my kids have never seen Country Bears. We aren’t really into Country music so I didn’t want to waste the time but next time we might
    I would Like to say about the HoP – it’s not that the attraction should be “fixed”. This attraction reflects a uniquely American institution at a specific time in that history not the political views of any party. I think it deserves a chance even when we don’t like the President- I would make the argument that that is exactly when people should be seeing it, because it gives us a moment of pause. An opportunity to think about what makes American what it is. Why we are so different? And how do we accept our differences without dividing ourselves

    • A
      Sara Varney

      Thank you for that perspective Nicole! I agree with you – the attraction itself it apolitical. And gives us hope for a better, more united future! I look forward to seeing it again when it reopens.

  • Sara, Your list was very similar to mine. Totally with you regarding Hall of Presidents. I think I still have PTSD from going in 2018. Once the necessary “repair” is made, I may return, but it still is one I generally skip.

    • I also skip astro orbiter (fear of heights), and country bear jamboree.

      • A
        Sara Varney

        Right there with you! Astro Orbiter is just worth the trip up the elevator!

  • Heather

    I agree with all but Astro – I have never ridden because no one will ride it with me and I don’t want anyone to have to wait for me, lol.

    I am not a big fan of any “indoor” seated showings, BUT I never though about the napping option (might have to rethink the shows).

  • Christine Krueger

    Sara, I’m totally with you on the Presidents! Agree on a lot of the ones you skip. Have never seen Country Bears, so will put that on the list for our trip this year. However, I adore carousels, so that is one I NEVER skip!

    Curious if you could consider an article on dining for those of us who have had gastric bypass surgery? Some places are easy for me, I can get a kids meal, but the price fixe restaurants can be a problem. I can’t justify a $50 meal when I can eat less than a quarter of it.

    • A
      Sara Varney

      I would love an article on this topic! Bariatric Surgery is something I don’t know much about. Let me see if I can find someone who would be willing to write a guest blog for us!

  • Why is it that you SJW types feel the need to inject politics into everything, including a trip to WDW? Nobody complained about Obama’s addition to the Shop, yet you feel the need to spout off to the world your political views. Maybe enjoy it for the history lesson that it is, and lighten up.

    • A
      Sara Varney

      Hi Ed,
      Thank you so much! Being called a Social Justice Warrior (SJW) might be the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. ♥ By the way, people DID complain when Obama was added to the Hall of Presidents. So ya know – there is precedent for my problem with Hall of Presidents.

      As for why I “feel the need to spout off”? It’s MY BLOG. The whole point is to give my opinions. And certainly you get to choose whether or not to read it.

      Have a magical day!


  • I agree with a lot of this list! There are many attractions here that I skipped every time until we had a young kind. We’re squarely in young kid rides (and enjoying them) at the moment. I’ve lost track of WDW trips at this point, all have included MK, and I still have never been to see the Country Bears.

    And, yes, no Hall of Presidents until it’s fixed.

    • A
      Sara Varney

      The young kids rides are great when you have young kids! (I still ride Goofy’s Barnstormer – kid or no kid!) I do recommend checking out Country Bears at least once. But once is enough for most folks. 😉

  • The monsters inc laugh floor might be going away indefinitely?!?? Omg I’m not ok.
    Agree with a lot of your other stuff. I can NOT do Astro orbiters. Terrifying.

    • A
      Sara Varney

      That is the rumor! But we’ll see, Disney has definitely changed their minds before.

      • Bcuz Labrock

        We make 65 park entries each year. We also skip Hall of Presidents for the same reason, but look forward to returning.

        • Full marks are to be awarded to you, Sara, for the attractions you’ve singled out and the reasons you’ve cited as to why you’d pass up these rides, but you’ve omitted the tortuous, ‘It’s a Small World,’ which I regard as a sadistic form of punishment for grandparents such as myself. On a lighter note, I must commend you for the reply you left for Ed, as it reflected your commitment to free speech; I am a Trump supporter and I appreciate the effort you made in maintaining in a civil discourse. Thank you, Sara.

          • A
            Sara Varney

            Thank you Patrick! I’m with you on it’s a small world. It is torture but yet I have such fond memories of riding it with my son when he was little, I couldn’t bear to put it on the list.

        • A
          Sara Varney

          Wow! 65?! That is incredible! Are you local or just a frequent visitor?

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