Let’s face facts- it rains almost every single afternoon in the warm seasons at Walt Disney World (which can really be all year long!). Being prepared for rain can definitely make or break a vacation. Read on to find out what essential items to pack for rainy days so you’re not left high and dry wet.
I wrote previously about some of the great things to do when it rains on your Walt Disney World vacation, and tip number one was to just go for it! A lot of people clear out during those really rainy days, but if you can swing it, just go! Walt Disney World has many attractions that are indoors, but even most outdoor attractions will be open if there is no lightning in the area. With that in mind, here are some of the items to pack for rainy days at Walt Disney World.
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1- Ponchos
While, yes, you can find ponchos for sale in just about every gift shop at Walt Disney World when it starts to rain. (And it’s amazing how quickly those cast members set out that poncho stock.) But a Disney-branded poncho in the parks will cost you about $10. The Disney ones are really cute, and they definitely fit the bill, but they are quite expensive for sure. And while they are reusable, they are VERY difficult to fold back up into a small cube to keep with you.
A better option would be to buy a few ahead of time and throw them in your suitcase. The unopened ponchos are very small and lightweight, and can be used once and discarded. And while I’m not a proponent of using something once and getting rid of it, are you going to really reuse the one you bought for $10 at a Disney gift shop? A 6-pack like this one will definitely fit the bill. Each member of your party can take one and then if you use it, grab another one the next morning before you head out.

2- Extra Shoes
I am a big fan of changing your shoes daily while at Walt Disney World. Swapping out shoes every day is one of my best tips for keeping your feet happy and pain-free. I’ll wear sneakers one day, sandals the next, etc. So one thing I always pack for rainy days is shoes that will either dry quickly, or that you wear something like these great flip flops. They come in a lot of great colors and my feet never hurt, even after a full day of walking around the theme parks.
3- Newspaper
If you are a sneakers or moccasin type, that’s ok too- the best way to dry out your shoes is to stuff them with newspaper. I don’t know how this works, but newspaper is something you should pack for rainy days. The Walt Disney World resort hotels don’t sell newspapers, but if you’re staying off-site you might get one delivered to your room. But, for a fool-proof way of getting a newspaper just bring a couple from home.
To dry your shoes quickly, you just crumple the newspaper and ball it up, and just shove it into your shoes. The shoes will dry incredibly quickly if you shove newspaper into them. Fun fact- crumpled newspaper is also one of the best ways to clean windows. Also I don’t know how that works, but newspaper will do that trick.
4- Extra Sunscreen
You should always pack extra sunscreen so you can reapply every few hours. But this is really true if you get caught in a rainstorm. You’ll definitely want to reapply sunscreen after your body gets wet. I usually pack a sunscreen spray or stick, so I can avoid a heavy lotion when it’s so hot out, but any sunscreen with work.
5- Waterproof Backpack
One of the most important items to pack for rainy days at Walt Disney World is a waterproof backpack or bag. I like these, because while they will fit underneath your poncho, they are also perfect for water rides such as Splash Mountain or Kali River Rapids. And they come in some really fun colors.
I hope you love rainy days at the Disney parks as much as I do! Be sure to let me know what you bring with you for rainy days in the comments below.
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