How many times have you been to Walt Disney World? I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve been. I know it’s been over 100. Really. But has it been 115 times? 150? I don’t know, but for as many times as I have been, there are still so many things I still haven’t done at Walt Disney World. And that’s saying something if I can visit over 100 times in my life and still have a long list of things I need to get to!
For all the fun the theme parks are, Walt Disney World is SO much more than rides and shows. That’s why I tell first time visitors to slow down and enjoy the moment – you’re not going to see and do everything no matter how much you try (I’m still trying!).
That being said, here are the top five things on my list that I still haven’t gotten to do at Walt Disney World.
I love horses – and I try to go riding at home as often as I can. But raise your hands. How many of you knew that you could actually go horseback riding at Walt Disney World? This has been on my list for a while. Disney offers 45-minute trail rides around Fort Wilderness Campground. Not only do you get to ride horses, but you get to see a lot of the campground you wouldn’t normally – including what this property must have looked like when Walt first found it.
I love any opportunity to get on a horse, but the added benefit of seeing off the beaten path areas of Disney has me so intrigued! You do have to be at least nine years old; reservations are highly recommended.

I’ve done quite a few behind the scenes tours at Walt Disney World, but this one keeps escaping me. Maybe because I don’t want to take a full day out of my touring plans, but I really need to make the time to do this soon. You get to see so many behind the scenes areas – the Utilidors (!!!), the costume department, Central Shops – where all the sets and details around the park are created, and behind the scenes at Rivers of Light. The list goes on.
Plus, there’s a lunch at one of my very favorite restaurants, Tiffins (you haven’t eaten here yet? Then put THAT on your list of things you still want to do at WDW. It’s amazing.). Just getting to see how the magic is created is so special. I can’t wait to get to this tour! Just a note – you do need to be at least 12 years old and reservations are required!

Okay, fine. So technically I can’t do this one, as it’s for kids ages 4 and up, but I can be considered ‘and up’, right? Because I want to do this SO BADLY. I can’t even explain how badly. But this is a new offering at Disney’s Art of Animation Resort, Disney’s Caribbean Beach Resort, and Disney’s Yacht and Beach Club Resorts. This is an hour-long class where guests are given a mermaid tail (!!!) and taught to swim like a mermaid. I want a mermaid tail so badly, and really, Disney, this is a missed opportunity not letting us big kids join in!
I am so mad at myself for not getting to this one yet. I should really just spend a day or two at Fort Wilderness doing all of the incredible activities they have there. It would have to be more like a week, with everything they offer. But I really like archery. I’m actually surprisingly decent at it, having learned years ago. And I’m always impressed when I get a bullseye or two.
The Archery Experience at Ft. Wilderness is 90 minutes, and only 10 guests allowed (ages 7 and up), and you get advice and learn technique from ‘Archery Guides’ while you’re shooting your arrows. It just seems like a fun way to spend a few hours away from the crazy of the theme parks, AND you get to channel your inner Robin Hood!

California Grill is my very favorite restaurant at Walt Disney World, so I’m not really sure why I haven’t attended their brunch yet. Maybe because I don’t like brunch. But still, I think I should check it out, if nothing more than for the mimosa they hand you when you sit down (and then keep giving you)! Every Sunday, brunch is hosted here with live music and chances to chat with Disney chefs about the meals they’re creating.
Plus, I’m sure the food is amazing (if it’s anything like dinner)! They have all seasonal brunch entrees, along with their famous sushi, AND I know there’s a Bloody Mary Bar, if you’re into that sort of thing. Brunch here is part buffet, part table service (like Palo), and it comes with that gorgeous view of the Magic Kingdom. I’m kind of mad at myself right now for not having tried this yet!

So those are just a few of the things I still haven’t done at Walt Disney World. There are at least 30 others that I didn’t write about, because then we’d all be here forever, when we should really be at Disney trying new activities! How about you? What are some of the things you haven’t tried yet at Walt Disney World that you’d really like to?